Air Conditioning Services

AC Sales, Service, and Repair

If you need service to your air conditioning unit, we have got you covered. We sell and repair central air conditioning systems as well as ductless AC units. Contact us today for a great price.

30 day guarantee on air conditioning service work

  • Central air conditioning sales/installation
  • Ductless air conditioning sales/installation
  • AC tune-ups
  • AC unit repair

Energy efficient central air conditioners

With a hotter than normal summer right around the corner, how sure are you that your air conditioner can handle temperatures and humidity in the 80s and 90s? The last thing you want after a hard day’s work is coming home to an AC that’s blasting out hot, smelly air! Let our repair person check out your AC before it happens! Already too late for your system? No problem! We provide AC sales and installation, working with vendors that stand by their product. Don’t forget, you don’t need ducts to have air conditioning other that a window unit. For this you need ductless air conditioning.

Complete air conditioning service and repair:

  • New Construction
  • Remodeling
  • Energy Efficient AC units
  • Check Refrigerant levels
  • Unit cleaning

Extend the life of your AC with preventative maintenance

The older your AC get the less effective and efficient it becomes. This causes your house to be hot, humid, and the air to smell stale. One quick and easy call to us and your house will be cool and comfortable for you and your family. There is no AC repair or replacement too small or too big for us to handle.